What They—and You—Need to Know About Nominee Christopher Wray
Browsing: Justice
He talks tough, but he’s softer on ‘illegal aliens’ than Obama.
Ossoff vs. Handel is the most expensive house race ever.
Special counsel looking at Trump’s moves to obstruct the Russian inquiry along with Jared Kushner’s business dealings; Pence lawyers up.
200 senators and representatives suing Trump, say he bypasses Congress with his foreign business dealings.
Fired U.S. Attorney breaks his silence; says he was fired because he didn’t return Trump’s call.
Trump and House Republicans want to fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Attorney General wants to get tough and bring back draconian sentences.
FBI’s Comey gets word of his sacking from TV; Trump-Kremlin investigation goes on.
McConnell paves the way for Gorsuch to restore a conservative majority to the Supreme Court.